
Guo Zhenggui, Secretary of Xiangxi Prefecture Party Committee, visited Hunan Hame & Times New Energy for investigation.


On April 13, Guo Zhenggui, Secretary of the Xiangxi Prefecture Party Committee, visited Hunan Hame and Hunan Times New Energy, and Yang Changjun, chairman of Hame, and relevant leaders attended the reception.

Under the leadership of Chairman Yang Changjun, Guo Zhenggui, Secretary of the State Party Committee, visited the Hame product exhibition center and the Times new energy battery automation production line, and learned in detail about the market size and market prospects of Times electric vehicle battery products.

Guo Zhenggui, Secretary of the State Party Committee, inquired about the output value, employment promotion and market sales of the enterprise, and deeply inquired about the difficulties encountered in the development planning and operation of the enterprise. He emphasized that it is necessary to base itself on the new development stage, implement the new development concept, integrate into the new development pattern, conscientiously implement the "three high and four new" strategy and the "562" development idea, further expand and strengthen the characteristic and advantageous industries, and boost the county economy by leaps and bounds developing.